

High performance, multipurpose reinforced, food quality hose.


Multipurpose hose.

Tubclair® AL

Single layer multipurpose food quality tube in flexible, transparent, class A PVC.


Single layer PVC tube in flexible, transparent PVC.

Airsoft performance

Highly flexible hose for compressed air.

Nobelair® AS

Antistatic PVC hose for arduous applications,

Super Nobelair® Soft

Highly flexible hose for compressed air.

Super Nobelair®

Hose for compressed air supply.

Nobelair® AS/R

Reinforced hose for Breathing air.

Nobelair® AS/R EN ISO 5359

Reinforced hose for medical gas. In accordance with EN ISO 5359 standards.

Tube PA calibré Polyamide

High precision calibrated polyamide tube.

Tube PU calibré (polyurethane)

High precision calibrated polyurethane tube (hardness 98 shA).


Rubber hose reinforced with textile fibres.


Reinforced flexible hose for transfer of liquefied petroleum gas.

GPL ISO 3821 (EN 559)

Flexible rubber hose for LPG.

Soudage ISO 3821 (EN 559)

Rubber hose for welding.

Super Tress-Nobel®

Hose for agricultural spraying (80 bar).


Hose for agricultural spraying (20 and 40 bar).


Transparent hose for hydrocarbons.

Technobel® PU

Extra flexible hose for hydrocarbons transfer.


Flexible, resistant, low pressure multipurpose hose.


Thin-walled calibrated tubes made of Polytetrafluoroethylene.


Food-grade quality monolayer tube in transparent silicone (60 shA).

Profiline Aqua Plus Soft

Multi-layer hose for transfer of chemicals and food liquids.

Profiline Aqua Plus

Multi-layer hose for transfer of chemicals and food liquids.

Profiline Aqua® Extra Soft

Multi-layer hose for transfer of chemicals and food liquids.

Thermoclean® 100 Antimicrobial

New generation tube for washing up to 100°C continuously.

Thermoclean® AL 20

Hot water cleaning hose for medium pressure (20 bar to 70°C).

Super Thermoclean® 40

Average pressure industrial washing hose (40 bar at 70°C).

Washing gun low pressure

washing gun low pressure

Polypropylene Water Gun low pressure

polypropylene water gun low pressure

Tricoflex® Performance

Five-layer knit water transport hose for professional use.

Tricoflex® Yachting

5-layer multipurpose hose with knitted reinforcement.


Flexible multi-layer hose.


Flat hoses.

Super Tricoflat®

Flat hoses.

T 1947

Semi-rigid hoses for fire-fighting trucks.

T 694

Hose for fire-fighting reels - Black matt or red colour.

Spirabel® LD

Flexible hose reinforced with a white shock-proof PVC spiral. Soft and transparent PVC wall. Light duty.

Spirabel® SI

Multipurpose hose. Reinforced with a white, rigid and shock-proof PVC spiral in a transparent soft PVC wall.

Spirabel® SNT-S

Multipurpose food quality hoses. Reinforced with a white, rigid and shock-proof PVC spiral in a transparent soft PVC wall.

Spirabel® SNT-A

Hose with a rigid spiral and a conductive copper wire.

Spirabel® SISE

Multipurpose hose, cold flexible. Reinforced with a rigid and shock-proof PVC spiral in a black soft PVC wall.

Spirabel® GMDS

Multipurpose hose. Reinforced with a white, rigid and shock-proof PVC spiral in a soft PVC wall.

Spirabel® MDSF AL

Cold flexible food hose for heavy-duty industrial applications. Rigid shock-proof PVC reinforced spiral in flexible PVC wall.

Spirabel® Vendanges SF

Spiral hose for wine producing applications with up to 50% alcohol content.

Spirabel® MDSE

Flexible hose for heavy-duty industrial applications. Rigid shock-proof PVC reinforced spiral in flexible PVC wall.

Spirabel® MDSE Performance

Flexible hose for heavy-duty industrial applications.

Spirabel® MDSO

Flexible hose for heavy-duty industrial applications. Rigid shock-proof PVC reinforced spiral in flexible PVC wall.

Spire Acier

Flexible transparent hose with metallic spiral.

Spirabel® Balneo Piscine

Hose reinforced with a rigid spiral In a white soft PVC wall.

Spirabel® PU A2

Multipurpose hose, resistant and very flexible, antistatic.

Gaine GA1

Flexible ducting in PVC for ventilation and fumes suction. Reinforced with a rigid PVC spiral.

Gaine GA2

Flexible ducting in PVC for ventilation and fumes suction.

Gaine GA3

Flexible ducting in PVC for ventilation and fumes suction. Reinforced with a rigid PVC spiral.

Gaine Spirabel® PU A1

Flexible ducting in polyurethane. Reinforced with a white rigid PVC spiral and fitted out with a conductive copper wire.

Windflex® 600 PU AL

Flexible ducting in polyurethane ether with wall reinforced with a galvanized steel wire helix. Spring Quality.

Windflex® 400 PU

Flexible ducting in polyurethane ester with wall reinforced with a coppered steel wire helix. Spring quality.

Windflex® 805 PU

Flexible ducting in polyurethane ester with wall reinforced with a coppered steel wire helix. Spring quality.

Windflex® 1500 PU

Flexible ducting in polyurethane ester with wall reinforced with a coppered steel wire helix. Spring quality.

Spirabel® MDSE Performance in straight lengths

Flexible hose for heavy-duty industrial applications.


Antistatic hose specially designed for compressed air supplies.


Antistatic extra-soft -PVC hose

Windflex® 805 AL

Flexible ether-based polyurethane ducting, reinforced by a spring-loaded quality copper-plated steel coil embedded in the wall.

Windflex® 805 EH

Flexible ether-based polyurethane ducting, reinforced by a spring-loaded quality copper-plated steel coil embedded in the wall.

Windflex® 400 AS

Flexible ether-based polyurethane antistatic ducting, reinforced by a spring-loaded quality copper-plated steel coil embedded in the wall.


Flexible multilayer hose

Windflex® 1308 PU

Ester-based polyurethane hose reinforced with a spring-loaded quality steel coil. Recommended for intensive use.

Irriflex ®

Flexible, multilayer hose.


WRAS-certified low-pressure multi-purpose hose for transporting drinking water

Windflex® 806 M EL

Ester-based polyurethane hose reinforced with a coated steel spiral spring

Windflex® 2200 PU

Ester-based polyurethane ducting reinforced with a coated steel spiral. Recommended for intensive use.


Flexible multilayer hose crafted with 80% recycled PVC